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2024 in Retrospect

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    Nick Gralewicz

2024 was a big first year!

Running a game design business is hard work (most of which isn’t game design…), but I genuinely enjoyed the experience. With the business being profitable and feeling proud of my releases, I’m counting 2024 as a success.

Here is my retrospective from the business and personal side of things:

HOME - Mech x Kaiju Mech

The Business Lens

2024’s success was mainly because HOME did so well. Here are a few highlights:

  • The HOME - Mech x Kaiju Kickstarter finished in March with 1280 backers.
  • Everything was fulfilled in July & August, ahead of schedule! Thank you to Jarrett, Josh, and Eryk; having good fulfillment partners makes life so much easier.
  • The first print run sold out fast, so I did a second print run in October.
  • HOME was consistently on IPR’s “What’s Hot” top 10 games list, and Tabletop Bookshelf’s bestseller list.
  • A Perfect Rock was one of the most popular games in the 2024 One Page RPG jam. Someone played it on a beach, and it “may have unlocked a lifetime love of RPGs in a 7 year old!” ← My favourite review this year.

I laid a lot of groundwork in 2024: built the website and newsletter, made connections with distributors, and established a bunch of business processes. I’m excited to let those parts hum and grow in 2025.

The Personal Lens

I laid out my 2024 personal goals back in January 2024. I use goals as a trajectory; the exact numbers aren’t as important as the intention, direction, and evidence of good progress.

Let’s see what worked and what didn’t:

Make, playtest, and release games. Let's say 3.

I made, playtested, and released 2: HOME and A Perfect Rock. I playtested another, but it’s back on the shelf for a bit. I'm happy with 2 good releases a year.

Crowdfund a game. Maybe two.

The HOME Kickstarter is done and fulfilled, and A Perfect Rock is coming soon! One campaign a year is pretty reasonable right now… they are a lot of work.

Attend some events, meet cool people, play cool games.

Check, check, and check. Excited to do even more in 2025.

Have good conversations with inspiring designers. Maybe write a post, a podcast, or keep them secret forever.

I’m currently keeping them secret forever, but I’m glad I did this one. I met some really friendly, interesting, and helpful people, and learned so much about the hobby and business.

Engage more in communities, online and in person.

I found some great online communities, but I only engage in a few. I’m OK with that, I don't need to be too “online”. I also organized a monthly indie RPG night at our local board game cafe!

Play more games! Play different games!

I played over 15 new games this year, and I’m happy with that. I'll up it next year.

Create content (shudder) at some reasonable pace, whether on this blog, or YouTube, or some more artistic and less capitalistic manner.

Meh. I created content, but there was no pace to it, and I want it to be a natural side effect of what I do, not a primary output. I’m proud of the Learn HOME in 1 minute and How to find A Perfect Rock reels, the Legendary Mech Minis, and the Rusalka Design Study.

Even though I didn’t hit everything exactly, I’m happy with the trajectory.

These goals helped me plan my year, so expect more in early 2025.

HOME - Mech x Kaiju Mech

The Future Lens

My January 2024 goals were the first dot on a line, the first step on a trail, the first wild dart on the board. Back then, they were only aspirations.

This retrospective is the second dot, second step, or second dart (now with some accuracy!), and I can see the line forming.

I’m aiming in the right direction, so now it’s time to push. I’m excited to make bigger things for A Perfect Rock. I’m excited to meet more people, play more games, and give back to the communities that helped me. I’m excited for 2025!

Thanks for sharing a great year with me, and stay tuned: we’ll see you on the other side.